Pooling Points

Get rewards faster by pooling points. It’s easy. Simply combine your points with your family and friends.

Need to remove your account from a pool?

Important information about removing your account from a pool:

  • Removing your account from a pool means that you are no longer interested in participating in the Avion Rewards pool that you are currently in.
  • You will continue to retain all of the points that you have earned with your individual Avion Rewards Credit card (minus any points that have been deducted for reward redemption or transfer by anyone in the pool), but you will no longer have access to any of the other points earned by others in your Avion Rewards pool.
  • Your purchases will no longer contribute to the points in the pool.
  • If you wish to participate in this pool in the future you will need to be invited by one of this pool’s members.
Please note: You must be signed in to remove your account from a pool.